Friday, January 30, 2009
More on the Young/Mature Planetary Shift
Joya Pope channeled the book, Upcoming Changes, during the 1980's and an update in the 1990's regarding the upheavals we can expect as we navigate the move from the Young Soul awareness to the Mature Soul mindset.
In the book, Michael warned us that the youngest soul-aged people [Infants and Babies] will become more and more paranoid as we make the transition and are likely to remain so till things settle down again. Generally speaking, they are fearful of change of any sort and are likely to respond with violence to things they perceive as threats.
And well, what can be more threatening than the entire planet changing its focus? The fact that the current transition is the most humongous that any individual soul or species makes during its time on the planet creates a certainty that the next few decades or centuries are likely to witness some very —ermmmm— interesting situations, indeed.
Now Michael, viewing all this from the Causal Plane, sees things differently from the way we do. They perceive everything, even the most violent occurrences, in terms of Growth with a capital G. We, on the other hand, being tied in with the human suffering such fear generates, tend to see the smaller picture.
Both views are valid, of course. Still, I like Michael’s perspective better and wish I could see things that way. Sometimes I hate being human.
Anyway, my opinion [backed up by Michael], is that the terrorism that began years before the 9/11 plan was a gleam or a glimmer in bin Ladin's eye is a direct result of the paranoia in response to the transition.
So was the response to the first incident of terrorism on US soil: profiling, arrest without provocation, torture, attacking a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, shredding the Constitution. Babies were in charge in this country—and it showed. And all these doings weren't, by any means, the first terrorism this country engaged in, fwiw.
So is the genocide we've witnessed on virtually every continent during the last few decades. Anyone who is not like me is to be hated and feared.
And so is the current penchant of very young souled nations [those with a majority of Infants and/or Babies] to elect fundamentalist religious governments or accept dictators with little fuss. Those soul ages like being told what to do and how to live. So, when Brown Shirts are marching through the streets, the civilians salute. They feel safe from perceived Outside Dangers.
And, when the morality police beat women in the streets, the populace figures they must have had it coming.
Likewise, because very young souls want to be told how to live, they become bewildered when those of us who are older rebel when they try to force us to live by their sense of what is right.
The murders of people like Dr. Tiller are further evidence of that paranoia. He wasn't the first to be killed in the name of God and he will not be the last.
The more and more strident rhetoric coming from the Far Right in this country and others stems from the reality that more and more people are finding their views irrelevant. Their response is to scream louder.
Just as a toddler throws a tantrum to make a point, so Baby Souls believe that, if they scream loudly enough, they can sway others to their point of view.
To paraphrase Michael here, 'They'll learn,' just as those of us who are older than they are now had to learn when we were Babies.
This is one of those times I wish Michael didn't know what they were talking about so much.
On the other hand, I suppose knowing why all this is happening is better than not knowing.
As I see the last greedy gasp and grasp of the Young Souls as they try to hang onto their control over the planet, more and more strident rhetoric coming from the fringe, terrorism, murder in the name of God, I'm less likely to despair of the human race altogether when I remind myself, "How would I feel if my mindset was, 'Maintain the status quo at all costs!' and felt my world shifting under my feet?” I guess I'd panic too.
In the book, Michael warned us that the youngest soul-aged people [Infants and Babies] will become more and more paranoid as we make the transition and are likely to remain so till things settle down again. Generally speaking, they are fearful of change of any sort and are likely to respond with violence to things they perceive as threats.
And well, what can be more threatening than the entire planet changing its focus? The fact that the current transition is the most humongous that any individual soul or species makes during its time on the planet creates a certainty that the next few decades or centuries are likely to witness some very —ermmmm— interesting situations, indeed.
Now Michael, viewing all this from the Causal Plane, sees things differently from the way we do. They perceive everything, even the most violent occurrences, in terms of Growth with a capital G. We, on the other hand, being tied in with the human suffering such fear generates, tend to see the smaller picture.
Both views are valid, of course. Still, I like Michael’s perspective better and wish I could see things that way. Sometimes I hate being human.
Anyway, my opinion [backed up by Michael], is that the terrorism that began years before the 9/11 plan was a gleam or a glimmer in bin Ladin's eye is a direct result of the paranoia in response to the transition.
So was the response to the first incident of terrorism on US soil: profiling, arrest without provocation, torture, attacking a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, shredding the Constitution. Babies were in charge in this country—and it showed. And all these doings weren't, by any means, the first terrorism this country engaged in, fwiw.
So is the genocide we've witnessed on virtually every continent during the last few decades. Anyone who is not like me is to be hated and feared.
And so is the current penchant of very young souled nations [those with a majority of Infants and/or Babies] to elect fundamentalist religious governments or accept dictators with little fuss. Those soul ages like being told what to do and how to live. So, when Brown Shirts are marching through the streets, the civilians salute. They feel safe from perceived Outside Dangers.
And, when the morality police beat women in the streets, the populace figures they must have had it coming.
Likewise, because very young souls want to be told how to live, they become bewildered when those of us who are older rebel when they try to force us to live by their sense of what is right.
The murders of people like Dr. Tiller are further evidence of that paranoia. He wasn't the first to be killed in the name of God and he will not be the last.
The more and more strident rhetoric coming from the Far Right in this country and others stems from the reality that more and more people are finding their views irrelevant. Their response is to scream louder.
Just as a toddler throws a tantrum to make a point, so Baby Souls believe that, if they scream loudly enough, they can sway others to their point of view.
To paraphrase Michael here, 'They'll learn,' just as those of us who are older than they are now had to learn when we were Babies.
This is one of those times I wish Michael didn't know what they were talking about so much.
On the other hand, I suppose knowing why all this is happening is better than not knowing.
As I see the last greedy gasp and grasp of the Young Souls as they try to hang onto their control over the planet, more and more strident rhetoric coming from the fringe, terrorism, murder in the name of God, I'm less likely to despair of the human race altogether when I remind myself, "How would I feel if my mindset was, 'Maintain the status quo at all costs!' and felt my world shifting under my feet?” I guess I'd panic too.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
A New Perspective
This morning, a thought flashed on:
infant and baby souls all deserve our utmost respect.
Here they come, onto the planet, just when [especially in the cases of the infants] the Mature Tip Over is on the horizon. I mean, WHAT a daunting task to take on! The majority of the planet is going to be 3 skips ahead of you throughout your physical experience.
Later in the day, I got to thinking -- maybe a lot of these folks have gone through lots and lots of walk-abouts. So maybe they were bored with being in the mainstream and decided to try something new.
I'm at the other end of the spectrum and I can vouch for the fact that even this is no walk in the park. It seems to me that, coming at it from the other end [when they, of necessity, are less likely to have the insights into the big picture that I've got], must be hell on wheels!
So -- when I'm angry and frustrated and downright scared about the Tea Party angst, I'll step back and work to carry this perspective into the situation.
I'm not saying that I don't still want to grab Boehner and Bachmann and Palin et al and TRY to shake some sense into them. It's far easier to maintain the perspective when it's a faceless mass I'm dealing with or a SodaHead member who's espousing something that I perceive as nonsense than it is to hold to it when the person in question can have a direct effect on my life.
But --- it wouldn't be worth doing or a valuable thing to practice if it was 2nd nature and came easily, I suppose.
infant and baby souls all deserve our utmost respect.
Here they come, onto the planet, just when [especially in the cases of the infants] the Mature Tip Over is on the horizon. I mean, WHAT a daunting task to take on! The majority of the planet is going to be 3 skips ahead of you throughout your physical experience.
Later in the day, I got to thinking -- maybe a lot of these folks have gone through lots and lots of walk-abouts. So maybe they were bored with being in the mainstream and decided to try something new.
I'm at the other end of the spectrum and I can vouch for the fact that even this is no walk in the park. It seems to me that, coming at it from the other end [when they, of necessity, are less likely to have the insights into the big picture that I've got], must be hell on wheels!
So -- when I'm angry and frustrated and downright scared about the Tea Party angst, I'll step back and work to carry this perspective into the situation.
I'm not saying that I don't still want to grab Boehner and Bachmann and Palin et al and TRY to shake some sense into them. It's far easier to maintain the perspective when it's a faceless mass I'm dealing with or a SodaHead member who's espousing something that I perceive as nonsense than it is to hold to it when the person in question can have a direct effect on my life.
But --- it wouldn't be worth doing or a valuable thing to practice if it was 2nd nature and came easily, I suppose.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
And Another Diatribe
I found this post on Genocide for Jesus by Emproph.
No one of those dots is any better or worse than any other dot.
Each is necessary in order to complete the circle.
Each Soul is exactly where it needs to be
along the path leading back to the All that Is."
I read this sort of thing and start reciting my mantra:
"Picture a circle outlined by dots. No one of those dots is any better or worse than any other dot.
Each is necessary in order to complete the circle.
Each Soul is exactly where it needs to be
along the path leading back to the All that Is."
But, oh, it's hard to believe, sometimes. This is one of those times.
Telling myself, "Maybe it's karma. Maybe it's balancing the universe to suffer torture and death because you happen to be perceived as outside the norm," doesn't help me get past the gut wrenching disgust I feel toward my species. It just doesn't help.
Telling myself, "Maybe it's karma. Maybe it's balancing the universe to suffer torture and death because you happen to be perceived as outside the norm," doesn't help me get past the gut wrenching disgust I feel toward my species. It just doesn't help.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Non-Chronological Living Revisited
The sources for this post are "Seth Speaks", “The Education of Oversoul 7” and “Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah”.
In a previous post, I wrote about people I call, 'backward livers'. I speculated that Cyrano de Bergerac and Galileo may have been souls who had opted to return to a previous historical period for one or more lifetimes. This might account for the fact that de Bergerac wrote science fiction and speculated that the moon is a separate place in space which we could, given the technology, visit one day. And for the designs of Gallilleo's futuristic machines like his submarine and flying machine.
At that time, Matthew, a channel of an entity called Polaris, told me that backward living is more common than I had thought it to be.
So I dove back into my books and found, early in "Seth Speaks", an allusion to that fact.
Seth calls our lifetimes, 'Period Pieces'.
First, Seth says, we create our environment from scratch. They seem to suggest [though I'm not positive of the literal meaning] that each individual soul creates its own environment on the planet. That, as a result, each of us is literally living on a minutely different planet than every other soul on the 'earth.'
In fact, this idea is alluded to in Richard Bach's fiction book, "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah." The Messiah explains to the main character [Richard] that Richard lives in, literally, a different world from a chess champion or an Eastern European peasant.
So, the Period Pieces or plays that we embark on, although they are real, are, at the same time, illusions. The central character in the play [the 'I'] designs the set, writes the play, acts the primary part. The Oversoul [the root soul who designed the personality and produced the play] is aware of what is going on during each of its plays. It simultaneously interacts in each of its lifetimes and observes them. It exists within and without each play. And all the plays are going on at the same ‘time’.
All of this is not to say that the play is not to be taken seriously. It is serious business because it is our primary learning tool.
To suggest that a previous play [say one in which we were living at the level of the Baby Consciousness] is less important than one in which we are an Old Soul would be similar to an assertion by a graduate student that 5th grade was not important. Without the skills learned in 5th grade, the grad student could not have advanced to high school, let alone graduate school.
The actions we engage in during the course of our respective plays have real consequences in that we can learn from the experiences. How much impact they have on other people depends, at least to some extent, on how much impact that other person allows them to have.
All I can say to all of this is: I wish things were set up in such a way that my keys actually were in the place I thought I left them instead of the place my illusionary self apparently left them when I came home yesterday. That would make things so much easier.
Anyhow, galloping back to the point of Backward Livers [that’s where we started, remember?]
I first came across this concept [at least in a form I could understand] in Jane Robert’s fictional story, ‘The Education of Oversoul Seven’. One personality that had been designed by Seven died in the twentieth century and the next incarnation began in the fourteenth century.
Ever since then, personalities like Galileo, de Bergerac and [I hope] Gene Roddenberry have made more sense to me.
We all know, of course, of the futuristic designs of Galileo. And I just learned of de Bergerac’s views about the moon and the other planets.
And, from what I’ve read, Roddenberry adamantly insisted during the Star Trek series that the characters get along with each other. He envisioned an Earth that had moved beyond poverty, war, pollution, bigotry. The people cared about each other, cooperated in all their ventures and the highest calling for each was learning and self-improvement.
The only time he was allowed to depict this world was during ST-Next Generation [by far my favorite of the series] because, without conflict of some sort, the jobs of the writers and directors becomes much more difficult.
Still, do you see why I ardently hope that Roddenberry was one who returned to show us what lies in store for the human race?
Seth said, in Seth Speaks, that we all live our lives in no specific historic order. They say that, Cayce and others who introduced the idea of reincarnation to the planet before Seth and Michael made their appearances, had presented the idea of chronological lifetimes because that concept was what we were ready, early on, to accept. The reality—lifetimes that occur in a rather higglety-pigglety fashion down through history and, in fact, are all happening simultaneously—is more difficult to comprehend and so had been left for later lessons.
To be honest, I’m not sure I’m ready for this lesson, even yet.
For instance, how does this concept fit in with the statement Michael has made that Infant souls are coming to the planet in fewer and fewer numbers ‘now’?
If all ‘NOWS’ are simultaneous, couldn’t an Infant start it’s lifetimes in the 21st century and live backward—thus avoiding the massive cleanup of the planet [one of the arguments against starting ‘now’]? That reasoning seems to suggest that lives, generally speaking, move forward chronologically and an Infant who started now would be stuck with the cleanup in some future time.
Maybe I’m missing something here? If you have any ideas about all of this, please weigh in.
As so often happens in these posts, my head is beginning to spin—again. **sigh**
In a previous post, I wrote about people I call, 'backward livers'. I speculated that Cyrano de Bergerac and Galileo may have been souls who had opted to return to a previous historical period for one or more lifetimes. This might account for the fact that de Bergerac wrote science fiction and speculated that the moon is a separate place in space which we could, given the technology, visit one day. And for the designs of Gallilleo's futuristic machines like his submarine and flying machine.
At that time, Matthew, a channel of an entity called Polaris, told me that backward living is more common than I had thought it to be.
So I dove back into my books and found, early in "Seth Speaks", an allusion to that fact.
Seth calls our lifetimes, 'Period Pieces'.
First, Seth says, we create our environment from scratch. They seem to suggest [though I'm not positive of the literal meaning] that each individual soul creates its own environment on the planet. That, as a result, each of us is literally living on a minutely different planet than every other soul on the 'earth.'
In fact, this idea is alluded to in Richard Bach's fiction book, "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah." The Messiah explains to the main character [Richard] that Richard lives in, literally, a different world from a chess champion or an Eastern European peasant.
So, the Period Pieces or plays that we embark on, although they are real, are, at the same time, illusions. The central character in the play [the 'I'] designs the set, writes the play, acts the primary part. The Oversoul [the root soul who designed the personality and produced the play] is aware of what is going on during each of its plays. It simultaneously interacts in each of its lifetimes and observes them. It exists within and without each play. And all the plays are going on at the same ‘time’.
All of this is not to say that the play is not to be taken seriously. It is serious business because it is our primary learning tool.
To suggest that a previous play [say one in which we were living at the level of the Baby Consciousness] is less important than one in which we are an Old Soul would be similar to an assertion by a graduate student that 5th grade was not important. Without the skills learned in 5th grade, the grad student could not have advanced to high school, let alone graduate school.
The actions we engage in during the course of our respective plays have real consequences in that we can learn from the experiences. How much impact they have on other people depends, at least to some extent, on how much impact that other person allows them to have.
All I can say to all of this is: I wish things were set up in such a way that my keys actually were in the place I thought I left them instead of the place my illusionary self apparently left them when I came home yesterday. That would make things so much easier.
Anyhow, galloping back to the point of Backward Livers [that’s where we started, remember?]
I first came across this concept [at least in a form I could understand] in Jane Robert’s fictional story, ‘The Education of Oversoul Seven’. One personality that had been designed by Seven died in the twentieth century and the next incarnation began in the fourteenth century.
Ever since then, personalities like Galileo, de Bergerac and [I hope] Gene Roddenberry have made more sense to me.
We all know, of course, of the futuristic designs of Galileo. And I just learned of de Bergerac’s views about the moon and the other planets.
And, from what I’ve read, Roddenberry adamantly insisted during the Star Trek series that the characters get along with each other. He envisioned an Earth that had moved beyond poverty, war, pollution, bigotry. The people cared about each other, cooperated in all their ventures and the highest calling for each was learning and self-improvement.
The only time he was allowed to depict this world was during ST-Next Generation [by far my favorite of the series] because, without conflict of some sort, the jobs of the writers and directors becomes much more difficult.
Still, do you see why I ardently hope that Roddenberry was one who returned to show us what lies in store for the human race?
Seth said, in Seth Speaks, that we all live our lives in no specific historic order. They say that, Cayce and others who introduced the idea of reincarnation to the planet before Seth and Michael made their appearances, had presented the idea of chronological lifetimes because that concept was what we were ready, early on, to accept. The reality—lifetimes that occur in a rather higglety-pigglety fashion down through history and, in fact, are all happening simultaneously—is more difficult to comprehend and so had been left for later lessons.
To be honest, I’m not sure I’m ready for this lesson, even yet.
For instance, how does this concept fit in with the statement Michael has made that Infant souls are coming to the planet in fewer and fewer numbers ‘now’?
If all ‘NOWS’ are simultaneous, couldn’t an Infant start it’s lifetimes in the 21st century and live backward—thus avoiding the massive cleanup of the planet [one of the arguments against starting ‘now’]? That reasoning seems to suggest that lives, generally speaking, move forward chronologically and an Infant who started now would be stuck with the cleanup in some future time.
Maybe I’m missing something here? If you have any ideas about all of this, please weigh in.
As so often happens in these posts, my head is beginning to spin—again. **sigh**
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
What We’re Doing Here
Back when I was writing the initial post about the planes of existence [you can find the original here] I handwrote some notes and promptly lost them. OK, I’m getting old—I’m retired and everything—so I’m entitled to lose stuff. Just wait till you hit your 60’s, then we’ll talk, OK?
So, I found the notes while cleaning up today and thought I’d add em to the mix.
The Number One motivator of the Universe or the All that Is or the Tao or whatever you want to call it is Growth. The ancient Greeks recognized the need and assigned it to Apollo in his axiom to “Know Thyself.” How appropriate that they perceived the Wise God as understanding the basic fabric of the Universe.
As I said in the first post, the Physical Plane is about separateness.
As difficult as it is to believe when we look at the state of the world throughout history, we are all volunteers. We chose to take the physical route. We chose to experience karma. Of all the planets in the universe that support life, we chose to come to this one. [Not all physical beings even choose to live on planets—but that’s for another post.]
Before each lifetime we undertake we choose our parents, we create the vehicle for the experience [the body], fairly often we create a body that has some sort of ailment or deformity—in order to experience even more separateness from the other souls on the planet, to experience a specific karma or to see if we can overcome that form of separateness. We choose primary, secondary and tertiary lessons to learn during the particular lifetime, etc. etc. etc.
Michael, Seth, Lazaris, Edgar Cayce all have said, over and over, everything we do is by choice. We can even opt out any time we want to—though it’s rarely done. Almost always, once we make the initial decision, we grit it out till the end. When I learned that little tidbit, my respect for the human race climbed dramatically.
So, you’re a soul that has decided to take on a body and come to the planet Earth. Before each lifetime you have to slow your vibration way, way d-o-w-n or you’ll burn out your body before you’ve had time to learn the necessary lessons.
Even slowed down this way, eventually you’re going to use up the body. That’s what old age is all about [and I’m here to tell you, Bette Davis was right—it ain’t fer sissies.] But, again, we decided to experience old age, too, when we made up our minds to take up residence in the physical.
When we cast ourselves off from the All that Is, we each made the decision to make the arduous journey through the 7 planes of existence back to the Is. Maybe our first time out it was a leap of faith. We hadn’t done it before and we were flying blind. After that first one, though, we knew exactly what we were in for—and, as amazing as it may seem, we did it again. The average number of times the souls on this planet have gone for walkabout is 3. I’ve read that the Old King who traded places with the Infinite Logos called the Christ had been out and gone through the entire process 16 times. Now, THAT’S adventurous!
Anyway, here is the mechanism as I understand it: The All that Is seeds the physical plane with organic life in numerous environments. It watches each species develop and when the intellectual center of one of them is developed to the point of, “I know that I am,” the first sentient fragments [souls] begin incarnating within those bodies. I am assuming that the intellectual centers of all members of the species don't develop at the same rate so, early on, a planet might have a mix of some sentient beings within the species and some non-sentient ones. Eventually, they all reach that stage, though, and the planet holds only sentient beings within the species.
Whales as well as humans are the sentient beings on Earth at the moment. Some recent information regarding chimpanzees suggests to me that they may be reaching sentience right about now. They’ve changed their behavior in the wild dramatically within the last few years. Some have begun voluntarily entering water—until very recently [within my lifetime] they were, so far as humans knew, universally terrified of it. And some have begun using crude spears for hunting. I wonder if the fact that humans [and maybe whales? I don’t know] are reaching the Mature Soul Age has helped the chimps move along to their next stage of development, as well. It’s certainly an intriguing speculation.
So souls enter the bodies when the species is ready to house them. By doing so they choose separateness. They choose to forget where they came from and to take on the belief that they are separate from one another. That they are different from all the other species on the planet; and from the dirt; and from the mountains; and from the sea and all the creatures that live within it; and from space and all the creatures that live there, too.
Only by forgetting their oneness with All can they learn the lessons they set out to learn. There is no other way or, I imagine, we’d have taken it—since this one is so arduous.
Well, I take that back. There is another way—the non-physical. I don’t know if separateness and forgetting is utilized in that mode or not. I’ve heard it’s easier than the physical route but ‘takes longer’ whatever that means in this context.
But, this is what we did. We chose the physical method—and here we are. And we accepted separateness and forgetting as two of the rules of the game.
Eventually, though, after we’ve been here for a pretty long ‘time’ and learned a fair number of lessons, the separateness rule gets old. It wears thin. The Soul begins to sense the truth behind the myth and longs to reunite with the Is. It’s getting close to the end of the Old Soul awareness and just wants to shake the dust from its sandals and GET ON WITH IT, ALREADY! At that point, the Soul begins the cycling off process. It’s got a few loose ends to tie up—like finishing up the last of its karma and finding at least one younger soul to whom to teach what it has learned along the way. Then it can get off the planet for good. And good riddance.
After that it begins the process of reuniting with other souls beginning with its Essence Twin, its Entity, its Cadre of Souls, etc. etc. until, at the Buddhaic Level, it merges with all the matter of the Universe and melds with the All that Is.
At this point the cycle is complete. The fragment can remain within the Universal Consciousness for eternity or choose to make another walkabout adventure during which the Soul may or may not choose to enter the physical plane of existence again.
Personally, at this stage in my existence, I can’t imagine making that choice but, since I already have — nine times — who knows? I probably will again.
So, I found the notes while cleaning up today and thought I’d add em to the mix.
The Number One motivator of the Universe or the All that Is or the Tao or whatever you want to call it is Growth. The ancient Greeks recognized the need and assigned it to Apollo in his axiom to “Know Thyself.” How appropriate that they perceived the Wise God as understanding the basic fabric of the Universe.
As I said in the first post, the Physical Plane is about separateness.
As difficult as it is to believe when we look at the state of the world throughout history, we are all volunteers. We chose to take the physical route. We chose to experience karma. Of all the planets in the universe that support life, we chose to come to this one. [Not all physical beings even choose to live on planets—but that’s for another post.]
Before each lifetime we undertake we choose our parents, we create the vehicle for the experience [the body], fairly often we create a body that has some sort of ailment or deformity—in order to experience even more separateness from the other souls on the planet, to experience a specific karma or to see if we can overcome that form of separateness. We choose primary, secondary and tertiary lessons to learn during the particular lifetime, etc. etc. etc.
Michael, Seth, Lazaris, Edgar Cayce all have said, over and over, everything we do is by choice. We can even opt out any time we want to—though it’s rarely done. Almost always, once we make the initial decision, we grit it out till the end. When I learned that little tidbit, my respect for the human race climbed dramatically.
So, you’re a soul that has decided to take on a body and come to the planet Earth. Before each lifetime you have to slow your vibration way, way d-o-w-n or you’ll burn out your body before you’ve had time to learn the necessary lessons.
Even slowed down this way, eventually you’re going to use up the body. That’s what old age is all about [and I’m here to tell you, Bette Davis was right—it ain’t fer sissies.] But, again, we decided to experience old age, too, when we made up our minds to take up residence in the physical.
When we cast ourselves off from the All that Is, we each made the decision to make the arduous journey through the 7 planes of existence back to the Is. Maybe our first time out it was a leap of faith. We hadn’t done it before and we were flying blind. After that first one, though, we knew exactly what we were in for—and, as amazing as it may seem, we did it again. The average number of times the souls on this planet have gone for walkabout is 3. I’ve read that the Old King who traded places with the Infinite Logos called the Christ had been out and gone through the entire process 16 times. Now, THAT’S adventurous!
Anyway, here is the mechanism as I understand it: The All that Is seeds the physical plane with organic life in numerous environments. It watches each species develop and when the intellectual center of one of them is developed to the point of, “I know that I am,” the first sentient fragments [souls] begin incarnating within those bodies. I am assuming that the intellectual centers of all members of the species don't develop at the same rate so, early on, a planet might have a mix of some sentient beings within the species and some non-sentient ones. Eventually, they all reach that stage, though, and the planet holds only sentient beings within the species.
Whales as well as humans are the sentient beings on Earth at the moment. Some recent information regarding chimpanzees suggests to me that they may be reaching sentience right about now. They’ve changed their behavior in the wild dramatically within the last few years. Some have begun voluntarily entering water—until very recently [within my lifetime] they were, so far as humans knew, universally terrified of it. And some have begun using crude spears for hunting. I wonder if the fact that humans [and maybe whales? I don’t know] are reaching the Mature Soul Age has helped the chimps move along to their next stage of development, as well. It’s certainly an intriguing speculation.
So souls enter the bodies when the species is ready to house them. By doing so they choose separateness. They choose to forget where they came from and to take on the belief that they are separate from one another. That they are different from all the other species on the planet; and from the dirt; and from the mountains; and from the sea and all the creatures that live within it; and from space and all the creatures that live there, too.
Only by forgetting their oneness with All can they learn the lessons they set out to learn. There is no other way or, I imagine, we’d have taken it—since this one is so arduous.
Well, I take that back. There is another way—the non-physical. I don’t know if separateness and forgetting is utilized in that mode or not. I’ve heard it’s easier than the physical route but ‘takes longer’ whatever that means in this context.
But, this is what we did. We chose the physical method—and here we are. And we accepted separateness and forgetting as two of the rules of the game.
Eventually, though, after we’ve been here for a pretty long ‘time’ and learned a fair number of lessons, the separateness rule gets old. It wears thin. The Soul begins to sense the truth behind the myth and longs to reunite with the Is. It’s getting close to the end of the Old Soul awareness and just wants to shake the dust from its sandals and GET ON WITH IT, ALREADY! At that point, the Soul begins the cycling off process. It’s got a few loose ends to tie up—like finishing up the last of its karma and finding at least one younger soul to whom to teach what it has learned along the way. Then it can get off the planet for good. And good riddance.
After that it begins the process of reuniting with other souls beginning with its Essence Twin, its Entity, its Cadre of Souls, etc. etc. until, at the Buddhaic Level, it merges with all the matter of the Universe and melds with the All that Is.
At this point the cycle is complete. The fragment can remain within the Universal Consciousness for eternity or choose to make another walkabout adventure during which the Soul may or may not choose to enter the physical plane of existence again.
Personally, at this stage in my existence, I can’t imagine making that choice but, since I already have — nine times — who knows? I probably will again.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Happiness Project
I recently came across a website in which a woman is, in her words, “test-driving every principle, tip, theory, and scientific study I could find, whether from Aristotle or St. Therese or Martin Seligman or Oprah” to find which ones help her increase her happiness.
And I realized that I’ve been doing something similar for some time, now. Except, I had found one that worked so well [for me] that I’ve used it and it alone for years—and have increased my happiness exponentially.
It’s called The Gestalt Prayer [author Fritz Perls]. A simple concept—which takes some work to put into practice—and a lifetime to master. But, hey, that’s what I’ve got to play with: a lifetime! :)
Here it is:
“I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations.
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
I am I and you are you and if, by chance, we find each other—it’s beautiful.
If not, it can’t be helped.”
I find that, if I begin to slip into judging others [or feeling judged by others] and I simply allow myself to breathe into this statement of fact, I allow myself to relax. I stop judging the 'other’ and I stop judging myself [which is what ‘feeling judged by others’ is, REALLY.]
And my happiness returns.
So, I offer the Gestalt Prayer to anyone who’d like to try it. Of course, it’s not mine to offer—so just go for it.
It’s also not the only philosophy out there. There are a myriad to choose from. So, shop around—find one [or two or three] that you feel comfortable with. Allow yourself to try em on and, when you find the one or two that fit for you, simply live the precept[s] you have chosen.
And, be easy with yourself.
If you find yourself slipping into judgmentalness, disappointment with the actions of others [or yourself], anger, etc. etc. etc., try not to compound the problem by judging yourself for not being perfect at it.
Just breathe.
Start again.
The bottom line is—this approach really does work.
Have fun! :)
And I realized that I’ve been doing something similar for some time, now. Except, I had found one that worked so well [for me] that I’ve used it and it alone for years—and have increased my happiness exponentially.
It’s called The Gestalt Prayer [author Fritz Perls]. A simple concept—which takes some work to put into practice—and a lifetime to master. But, hey, that’s what I’ve got to play with: a lifetime! :)
Here it is:
“I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations.
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
I am I and you are you and if, by chance, we find each other—it’s beautiful.
If not, it can’t be helped.”
I find that, if I begin to slip into judging others [or feeling judged by others] and I simply allow myself to breathe into this statement of fact, I allow myself to relax. I stop judging the 'other’ and I stop judging myself [which is what ‘feeling judged by others’ is, REALLY.]
And my happiness returns.
So, I offer the Gestalt Prayer to anyone who’d like to try it. Of course, it’s not mine to offer—so just go for it.
It’s also not the only philosophy out there. There are a myriad to choose from. So, shop around—find one [or two or three] that you feel comfortable with. Allow yourself to try em on and, when you find the one or two that fit for you, simply live the precept[s] you have chosen.
And, be easy with yourself.
If you find yourself slipping into judgmentalness, disappointment with the actions of others [or yourself], anger, etc. etc. etc., try not to compound the problem by judging yourself for not being perfect at it.
Just breathe.
Start again.
The bottom line is—this approach really does work.
Have fun! :)
Repost 4
I'm posting this at intervals throughout the blog in hopes that those of you who log in where you left off last time will see it - even if you don't often visit the top page these days.
Just so you know, Blogger booted me off - A SECOND TIME.
At least that finally got me off the dime and I've finished transferring everything I want to keep over to WordPress.
So - again - here's the link:
Please drop by.
Hopefully, that site will be more stable and you can continue without further interruption.
Just so you know, Blogger booted me off - A SECOND TIME.
At least that finally got me off the dime and I've finished transferring everything I want to keep over to WordPress.
So - again - here's the link:
Please drop by.
Hopefully, that site will be more stable and you can continue without further interruption.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I've been reading and wracking my brain over my next post. Then I received this via email and my problem was solved.
I'm betting both bride and groom are Sages [see here if you haven't read the Sage post]:
Oh, how I envy the Sages! Maybe I'll take that route again next time.
I'm betting both bride and groom are Sages [see here if you haven't read the Sage post]:
Oh, how I envy the Sages! Maybe I'll take that route again next time.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Sorry it's taking so long to get a new post up.
Once again, I'm hunting for something to add. I'm delving into some deeper waters and, to be honest, I'm in a bit over my head.
I'll either find a way to integrate this new material or I'll paddle back toward shore and post something that's not quite so overwhelming. asap.
Thanks for your patience.
Once again, I'm hunting for something to add. I'm delving into some deeper waters and, to be honest, I'm in a bit over my head.
I'll either find a way to integrate this new material or I'll paddle back toward shore and post something that's not quite so overwhelming. asap.
Thanks for your patience.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Mature Tendencies
Well, I still haven’t puzzled out the new d-e-e-p post I’m working on so I’m posting yet another thang about the Planetary Shift. I keep getting drawn back to the positives about it and what we can expect in the future—they’re such lovely diversions from all the paranoid stuff I see going on in these earliest agonies of our move from Young to Mature.
So today I was listening to Morning Edition on National Public Radio and several stories struck me as having to do with the developing Mature mindset:
First, there were a couple of stories about the beleaguered newspaper business.
There was a story about how several formerly competing news agencies are changing the ways they’re doing business. They’re COOPERATING! They are pooling resources, putting their heads together to figure out how to entice old readers back and snag new ones.
Columbia University and City University of New York are offering courses to editors and publishers on how to combine resources, share reporters and collaborate on stories they’re covering.
Who woulda thunk the dog-eat-dog world of journalism which has always valued the scoop-the-competition mindset would start to **gulp** cooperate with one another?
That's not a Young Soul way of doing things. What is the world coming to?
In a related story, small weekly newspapers and even dailies that include just a few pages of news and a few more pages of coupons from local stores are making a comeback. Such papers were common until the late 1970’s but most had since died of natural causes—until recently. Now, they’re storming back with a vengeance.
In Sherwood, Michigan residents are growing vegetables in their front yards. To be honest, I didn’t find this story to be all that outlandish. Back in Kansas City, I grew peppers, cucumbers, asparagus and luffas in my front yard. But, apparently, it’s newsworthy.
And the city of Sherwood is taking issue with the practice.
A number of residents had started using the parkway [the area between the sidewalk and the street] for their gardens because, after all, that’s the area that gets the most sun for the longest period of the day. The city sent them letters telling them to cease and desist.
But, the gardeners were getting nothing but positive comments from their neighbors and more and more people had begun joining in. So, they went to the city council asking to have the ordinance repealed. It’s under consideration now.
It used to be that the idea of growing your own vegetables was considered quaint or something you did during wartime. This movement, however, began several years before the current economic crisis. People started doing it because they wanted to.
In 2002, Norway passed a law that all publicly traded companies had to include at least 40% women on their boards. Even private companies have been voluntarily following suit.
Prior to that year, only 6% of board members were women and 70% of companies included no women at all.
Women are still underrepresented in top management executive positions—but it’s a start.
Some noticeable changes on the boards include such things as the fact that women are more likely to admit they don’t know everything. Men tend to bluff their ways through rather than admit they don’t have all the answers.
Women tend to use cooperation to get things done rather than competition.
Actually, this movement had its roots in history. Back in the 1000’s, when the Vikings went off on their raids, the women stayed behind and not only kept the home fires burning—they maintained the villages, what central government there was at the time and the culture while their menfolk were in France and England raping and pillaging and in Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland scouting out new territories.
In another related story, Norway and Sweden rank as numbers 1 and 2 when it comes to men participating in the housework and childcare. Great Britain ranks 3rd and the U.S. is number 4. [Hey! We’re in the top 5! I never would’ve guessed! Still—I think it was telling that the reporters (even the woman involved with the story) spoke about men ‘helping’ with the housework. The mindset still seems to be that this is women’s work and men are going beyond the call of duty if they ‘help out’. **sigh** We’ve still got a way to go, I guess.]
And, some years ago, I read a magazine article about people leaving the big cities and heading to small towns. They were growing tired of the rat-race. Some maintained their old jobs and, with the advent of computers, had negotiated with their bosses to begin cyber-commuting.
Others changed jobs—moving from a business that involved moving pieces of paper around to creating their own businesses that sold cheese or wine or vegetables or books or toys—things that people can actually put their hands on.
Most of the people who changed the nature of their work took considerable cuts in pay—and found they were quite happy in their new, slower paced lifestyles that included drive-in movies instead of Broadway plays.
Well, such changes have been in the news again—I heard about those a few weeks ago on All Things Considered.
Generally, larger numbers of folks seem to be paying more attention to their neighborhoods, spending more time around their kitchen tables, finding comfort in a more laid-back lifestyle—or so the news is leading me to believe.
I can only hope that such developments are heralding things that will, one day, be the norm.
So today I was listening to Morning Edition on National Public Radio and several stories struck me as having to do with the developing Mature mindset:
First, there were a couple of stories about the beleaguered newspaper business.
There was a story about how several formerly competing news agencies are changing the ways they’re doing business. They’re COOPERATING! They are pooling resources, putting their heads together to figure out how to entice old readers back and snag new ones.
Columbia University and City University of New York are offering courses to editors and publishers on how to combine resources, share reporters and collaborate on stories they’re covering.
Who woulda thunk the dog-eat-dog world of journalism which has always valued the scoop-the-competition mindset would start to **gulp** cooperate with one another?
That's not a Young Soul way of doing things. What is the world coming to?
In a related story, small weekly newspapers and even dailies that include just a few pages of news and a few more pages of coupons from local stores are making a comeback. Such papers were common until the late 1970’s but most had since died of natural causes—until recently. Now, they’re storming back with a vengeance.
In Sherwood, Michigan residents are growing vegetables in their front yards. To be honest, I didn’t find this story to be all that outlandish. Back in Kansas City, I grew peppers, cucumbers, asparagus and luffas in my front yard. But, apparently, it’s newsworthy.
And the city of Sherwood is taking issue with the practice.
A number of residents had started using the parkway [the area between the sidewalk and the street] for their gardens because, after all, that’s the area that gets the most sun for the longest period of the day. The city sent them letters telling them to cease and desist.
But, the gardeners were getting nothing but positive comments from their neighbors and more and more people had begun joining in. So, they went to the city council asking to have the ordinance repealed. It’s under consideration now.
It used to be that the idea of growing your own vegetables was considered quaint or something you did during wartime. This movement, however, began several years before the current economic crisis. People started doing it because they wanted to.
In 2002, Norway passed a law that all publicly traded companies had to include at least 40% women on their boards. Even private companies have been voluntarily following suit.
Prior to that year, only 6% of board members were women and 70% of companies included no women at all.
Women are still underrepresented in top management executive positions—but it’s a start.
Some noticeable changes on the boards include such things as the fact that women are more likely to admit they don’t know everything. Men tend to bluff their ways through rather than admit they don’t have all the answers.
Women tend to use cooperation to get things done rather than competition.
Actually, this movement had its roots in history. Back in the 1000’s, when the Vikings went off on their raids, the women stayed behind and not only kept the home fires burning—they maintained the villages, what central government there was at the time and the culture while their menfolk were in France and England raping and pillaging and in Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland scouting out new territories.
In another related story, Norway and Sweden rank as numbers 1 and 2 when it comes to men participating in the housework and childcare. Great Britain ranks 3rd and the U.S. is number 4. [Hey! We’re in the top 5! I never would’ve guessed! Still—I think it was telling that the reporters (even the woman involved with the story) spoke about men ‘helping’ with the housework. The mindset still seems to be that this is women’s work and men are going beyond the call of duty if they ‘help out’. **sigh** We’ve still got a way to go, I guess.]
And, some years ago, I read a magazine article about people leaving the big cities and heading to small towns. They were growing tired of the rat-race. Some maintained their old jobs and, with the advent of computers, had negotiated with their bosses to begin cyber-commuting.
Others changed jobs—moving from a business that involved moving pieces of paper around to creating their own businesses that sold cheese or wine or vegetables or books or toys—things that people can actually put their hands on.
Most of the people who changed the nature of their work took considerable cuts in pay—and found they were quite happy in their new, slower paced lifestyles that included drive-in movies instead of Broadway plays.
Well, such changes have been in the news again—I heard about those a few weeks ago on All Things Considered.
Generally, larger numbers of folks seem to be paying more attention to their neighborhoods, spending more time around their kitchen tables, finding comfort in a more laid-back lifestyle—or so the news is leading me to believe.
I can only hope that such developments are heralding things that will, one day, be the norm.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Hanging Onto the Tiger’s Ears
OK. Hold on—here we go. This is that deep piece I’ve been threatening you with for the past week or more. Well, it’s the FIRST of the deep pieces—this is going to take more than one post to explore all its ramifications.
I’m not saying I UNDERSTAND what I’m going to be presenting here. Hopefully, we can reach some understanding of it together?
This information is taken from “Science and the Akashic Field” by Ervin Laszlo.
Laszlo is described by those who critique the book as ‘a scientist and a philosopher.’ What sort of science he studies, is not named, but his book reads like stuff from the quantum-physics discipline.
The book describes the Unified Theory so many scientists are on about these days. Laszlo explains what has happened so far, what most scientists are seeking and explains why, in his opinion, they will fail. He posits that unless consciousness, particularly the consciousness of the universe as a whole, is included in the mix no theory will stand on its own.
Most scientists are unlikely to include the universe’s consciousness for the simple reason that they don’t believe it is there. Still, it’s interesting to speculate on whether or not a Grand Unified Theory [GUT] can be verified without its inclusion.
At the beginning of the book is this note:
“’Akasha’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘ether’: all pervasive space. Originally signifying ‘radiation’ or ‘brilliance’ in Indian philosophy akasha was considered the first and most fundamental of the five elements—the others being vata [air], agni [fire], ap [water] and prithivi [earth]. Akasha embraces the property of all five elements: it is the womb from which everything we perceive with our senses has emerged and into which everything will ultimately re-descend. The Akashic Record [also called the Akashic Chronicle] is the enduring record of all that happens and has ever happened in space and time.”
Laszlo opens the book with a bit of background:
“[Theories of Everything] attempt to achieve what Einstein once called, ‘Reading the mind of God.’ He said that if we could bring together all the laws of physical nature into a consistent set of equations, we could explain all the features of the universe based on that equation; that would be tantamount to reading the mind of God.”
Laszlo postulates that meaningfulness is, itself, an important part of science though most scientists don’t pay much attention to it. This is a rather sad state of affairs because we, as a species, value meaningfulness. However, if we find meaning or meaningfulness in the world around us, we are accused of anthropomorphizing animals or the earth or the universe itself.
But, if we deny meaningfulness in all molecules, minerals, plants, animals other than ourselves, the planet, the universe, we are doomed to be born into a meaningless world, to live, work, play, love and, eventually, die in a world and a universe that shares nothing of value with us.
In some ways, I suppose, it might be nice to place ourselves above the rest of the world. WE have meaning—nothing else does. However, just as it is arrogant to suppose that this planet alone in all the universe harbors life, that we alone of all species on this planet know that we exist and look outside ourselves and wonder—so, it seems to me, it is the height of arrogance to believe that we alone have consciousness.
Laszlo sets out to show us the consciousness of the universe and the necessary place of that consciousness within any GUT that might be discovered.
fwiw, Stephen Hawking does attempt to find meaning in his theories. Most hard scientists don’t. Of course, such an undertaking can bring on ridicule from fellow scientists as when Hawking stated that the universe must have come about in order to bring us into being—the proof is that we are here. He’s not the first scientist to be ridiculed for postulating meaning in the universe. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross brought fire and brimstone down on her head for doing the same thing toward the end of her life.
Searching for the Universe’s Information
In 1907, Nicola Tesla spoke of an ‘original medium’ that fills space and compared it to Akasha, the ‘light carrying ether’ first put forth by Indian philosophers. He wrote that this original medium becomes matter when prana, cosmic energy, acts on it. When the action ceases, matter vanishes back into the Akasha. Since this medium fills all of space, everything that takes place in space can be referred to it. Kesla said that Einstein’s curvature of space could not account for the phenomena he was referring to.
Within a few years, however, science had embraced Einstein’s mathematically elaborate space-time and banished Tesla’s space-filling-ether or force field.
Today it is being revived. A small but growing number of scientists are again exploring the role of information in nature and locating nature’s information field in the quantum vacuum.
Before Einstein’s theories came along, the idea of the luminiferous ether held sway. It was said to occupy all of space and cause friction—slowing objects down as they passed through it. However, experimentation failed to produce the friction/slowing phenomenon and the ‘absolute vacuum’, the idea of empty space, took its place.
However, the cosmic vacuum turned out to be anything but empty. When science started pursuing the GUT, they found that the concept of a vacuum transformed from emptiness to a medium that carries the Zero Point Field [ZPF]. The name derives from the fact that energies exist in this field even at the point where all classical forms of energy vanish—at the 0 point on the Kelvin scale. The roots of all of nature’s fields and forces were ascribed to the mysterious energy sea of the ‘unified vacuum.’
Interactions can be demonstrated between the unified vacuum or akasha or the akashic field or whatever you want to call it and observed matter and processes in the physical realm.
In the 1960’s, Paul Dirac showed that matter particle fields produce a polarization of the ZPF of the vacuum and the vacuum, in turn, affects the particle field’s spin, mass, charge or angular momentum.
At about the same time Andrei Sakharov postulated that the shielding of the ZPF within the vacuum produced such things as the slowing of clocks and the shrinking of yardsticks when they approach the speed of light. This is a world-shattering idea because, in this concept, the vacuum is more than relativity theory’s four-dimensional continuum—it is not just the geometry of space time but a real physical field producing real physical effects.
OK, that’s enough for the moment—I think I need to go lie down for a while.
The fact that I’m a Scholar brings this especially home for me. So THAT’S what I’m going to be dumping all my experiences into? My head is spinning over here.
After I’ve taken some time to just breathe for a while, I’ll take another swipe at all of this.
I’m not saying I UNDERSTAND what I’m going to be presenting here. Hopefully, we can reach some understanding of it together?
This information is taken from “Science and the Akashic Field” by Ervin Laszlo.
Laszlo is described by those who critique the book as ‘a scientist and a philosopher.’ What sort of science he studies, is not named, but his book reads like stuff from the quantum-physics discipline.
The book describes the Unified Theory so many scientists are on about these days. Laszlo explains what has happened so far, what most scientists are seeking and explains why, in his opinion, they will fail. He posits that unless consciousness, particularly the consciousness of the universe as a whole, is included in the mix no theory will stand on its own.
Most scientists are unlikely to include the universe’s consciousness for the simple reason that they don’t believe it is there. Still, it’s interesting to speculate on whether or not a Grand Unified Theory [GUT] can be verified without its inclusion.
At the beginning of the book is this note:
“’Akasha’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘ether’: all pervasive space. Originally signifying ‘radiation’ or ‘brilliance’ in Indian philosophy akasha was considered the first and most fundamental of the five elements—the others being vata [air], agni [fire], ap [water] and prithivi [earth]. Akasha embraces the property of all five elements: it is the womb from which everything we perceive with our senses has emerged and into which everything will ultimately re-descend. The Akashic Record [also called the Akashic Chronicle] is the enduring record of all that happens and has ever happened in space and time.”
Laszlo opens the book with a bit of background:
“[Theories of Everything] attempt to achieve what Einstein once called, ‘Reading the mind of God.’ He said that if we could bring together all the laws of physical nature into a consistent set of equations, we could explain all the features of the universe based on that equation; that would be tantamount to reading the mind of God.”
Laszlo postulates that meaningfulness is, itself, an important part of science though most scientists don’t pay much attention to it. This is a rather sad state of affairs because we, as a species, value meaningfulness. However, if we find meaning or meaningfulness in the world around us, we are accused of anthropomorphizing animals or the earth or the universe itself.
But, if we deny meaningfulness in all molecules, minerals, plants, animals other than ourselves, the planet, the universe, we are doomed to be born into a meaningless world, to live, work, play, love and, eventually, die in a world and a universe that shares nothing of value with us.
In some ways, I suppose, it might be nice to place ourselves above the rest of the world. WE have meaning—nothing else does. However, just as it is arrogant to suppose that this planet alone in all the universe harbors life, that we alone of all species on this planet know that we exist and look outside ourselves and wonder—so, it seems to me, it is the height of arrogance to believe that we alone have consciousness.
Laszlo sets out to show us the consciousness of the universe and the necessary place of that consciousness within any GUT that might be discovered.
fwiw, Stephen Hawking does attempt to find meaning in his theories. Most hard scientists don’t. Of course, such an undertaking can bring on ridicule from fellow scientists as when Hawking stated that the universe must have come about in order to bring us into being—the proof is that we are here. He’s not the first scientist to be ridiculed for postulating meaning in the universe. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross brought fire and brimstone down on her head for doing the same thing toward the end of her life.
Searching for the Universe’s Information
In 1907, Nicola Tesla spoke of an ‘original medium’ that fills space and compared it to Akasha, the ‘light carrying ether’ first put forth by Indian philosophers. He wrote that this original medium becomes matter when prana, cosmic energy, acts on it. When the action ceases, matter vanishes back into the Akasha. Since this medium fills all of space, everything that takes place in space can be referred to it. Kesla said that Einstein’s curvature of space could not account for the phenomena he was referring to.
Within a few years, however, science had embraced Einstein’s mathematically elaborate space-time and banished Tesla’s space-filling-ether or force field.
Today it is being revived. A small but growing number of scientists are again exploring the role of information in nature and locating nature’s information field in the quantum vacuum.
Before Einstein’s theories came along, the idea of the luminiferous ether held sway. It was said to occupy all of space and cause friction—slowing objects down as they passed through it. However, experimentation failed to produce the friction/slowing phenomenon and the ‘absolute vacuum’, the idea of empty space, took its place.
However, the cosmic vacuum turned out to be anything but empty. When science started pursuing the GUT, they found that the concept of a vacuum transformed from emptiness to a medium that carries the Zero Point Field [ZPF]. The name derives from the fact that energies exist in this field even at the point where all classical forms of energy vanish—at the 0 point on the Kelvin scale. The roots of all of nature’s fields and forces were ascribed to the mysterious energy sea of the ‘unified vacuum.’
Interactions can be demonstrated between the unified vacuum or akasha or the akashic field or whatever you want to call it and observed matter and processes in the physical realm.
In the 1960’s, Paul Dirac showed that matter particle fields produce a polarization of the ZPF of the vacuum and the vacuum, in turn, affects the particle field’s spin, mass, charge or angular momentum.
At about the same time Andrei Sakharov postulated that the shielding of the ZPF within the vacuum produced such things as the slowing of clocks and the shrinking of yardsticks when they approach the speed of light. This is a world-shattering idea because, in this concept, the vacuum is more than relativity theory’s four-dimensional continuum—it is not just the geometry of space time but a real physical field producing real physical effects.
OK, that’s enough for the moment—I think I need to go lie down for a while.
The fact that I’m a Scholar brings this especially home for me. So THAT’S what I’m going to be dumping all my experiences into? My head is spinning over here.
After I’ve taken some time to just breathe for a while, I’ll take another swipe at all of this.
Friday, January 9, 2009
An Artisan's Patience
Yes. OK. There is a new post in the works but it's taking a while. And no, it's not another thing about the akashic field—that's going to take even longer. So, when these pics came my way, they helped fill up some time till the next full post is ready.
I do love it when an artisan comes to my rescue. =)
I do love it when an artisan comes to my rescue. =)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
The First Farmers
[This information comes from Seth Speaks.]
In an earlier post, The All in All That Is, I wrote, “We [along with every other particle and wave and string] in the universe were there all along waiting for the universe to settle into a level that could support life/reality as we know it. In fact, we were helping that to happen. Not only the human-potential was helping the potential-that-was-the-universe during its plasma phase right on down to this nano-second [and beyond] every possible creation was there right alongside us helping to create the NOW.”
So, now, jump ahead a few billion years:
Humans are on the planet now—in fact we’ve been here for quite a while. We’ve whittled ourselves down to one species—the one we have, so erroneously, called Homo Sapiens [Wise Man].
We’re coming up on the end of the hunter-gatherer period and have moved forward enough to be ready to begin settling down. The only thing is, we need a crop to plant. Something that will lend itself to being sown and harvested. Not all wild plants fill that bill. Some are too delicate to stand being handled a lot. Others can deal with being handled by people who know what they’re doing. But we didn’t. We were, at this point, decidedly amateur and were going to need a particularly robust cereal crop while we figured out what to do with it.
Well, someone came riding to the rescue.
Remember how, back in the posts, The Pre-infant Stage of Development and The Infant Soul, I wrote about the fact that we hang around on the planet for a while just checking it out? And how pre-infants also act like janitors—cleaning up stuff behind the scenes?
Well, those pre-infants along with souls who were between lives got together and helped push our species toward our agricultural stage.
There were four kinds of pre-wheat near the area that would become the city of Jericho. One wasn’t robust enough to be cultivated effectively but it tasted bad to most insects—always a plus. Another wasn’t all that drought tolerant and prefered to live in wooded areas where tree roots tended to hold the moisture in the soil [and humans would be too impatient and inept to be able to cultivate grain that was growing in the woods], but it tasted good to humans. In fact, it had long been gathered by several tribes. Another had large kernels but they were very strongly held inside their husks and would be difficult to harvest. The fourth also had large kernels. This one’s kernels weren’t wedded all that strongly to their husks. But it was top-heavy and would tend to hit the ground during a rain or even a fairly light wind. In other words, all the types had pluses and minuses.
We knew, already, that the area had lots of characteristics that would make it attractive to people: it had access to water, it had a fairly flat plain [easy to cultivate], the soil was light and would be easy to work, and so on.
So, together, those of us who were checking out the planet and those who were waiting to get back here pulled a Gregor Mendel. We cross pollinated those four types of wheat.
The rest is agricultural history.
In an earlier post, The All in All That Is, I wrote, “We [along with every other particle and wave and string] in the universe were there all along waiting for the universe to settle into a level that could support life/reality as we know it. In fact, we were helping that to happen. Not only the human-potential was helping the potential-that-was-the-universe during its plasma phase right on down to this nano-second [and beyond] every possible creation was there right alongside us helping to create the NOW.”
So, now, jump ahead a few billion years:
Humans are on the planet now—in fact we’ve been here for quite a while. We’ve whittled ourselves down to one species—the one we have, so erroneously, called Homo Sapiens [Wise Man].
We’re coming up on the end of the hunter-gatherer period and have moved forward enough to be ready to begin settling down. The only thing is, we need a crop to plant. Something that will lend itself to being sown and harvested. Not all wild plants fill that bill. Some are too delicate to stand being handled a lot. Others can deal with being handled by people who know what they’re doing. But we didn’t. We were, at this point, decidedly amateur and were going to need a particularly robust cereal crop while we figured out what to do with it.
Well, someone came riding to the rescue.
Remember how, back in the posts, The Pre-infant Stage of Development and The Infant Soul, I wrote about the fact that we hang around on the planet for a while just checking it out? And how pre-infants also act like janitors—cleaning up stuff behind the scenes?
Well, those pre-infants along with souls who were between lives got together and helped push our species toward our agricultural stage.
There were four kinds of pre-wheat near the area that would become the city of Jericho. One wasn’t robust enough to be cultivated effectively but it tasted bad to most insects—always a plus. Another wasn’t all that drought tolerant and prefered to live in wooded areas where tree roots tended to hold the moisture in the soil [and humans would be too impatient and inept to be able to cultivate grain that was growing in the woods], but it tasted good to humans. In fact, it had long been gathered by several tribes. Another had large kernels but they were very strongly held inside their husks and would be difficult to harvest. The fourth also had large kernels. This one’s kernels weren’t wedded all that strongly to their husks. But it was top-heavy and would tend to hit the ground during a rain or even a fairly light wind. In other words, all the types had pluses and minuses.
We knew, already, that the area had lots of characteristics that would make it attractive to people: it had access to water, it had a fairly flat plain [easy to cultivate], the soil was light and would be easy to work, and so on.
So, together, those of us who were checking out the planet and those who were waiting to get back here pulled a Gregor Mendel. We cross pollinated those four types of wheat.
The rest is agricultural history.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
We Made the Moon Made Us?
This post comes from The Science Channel. The title of the program is, “The Day the Moon Was Gone.”
It seems to track logically with the previous post on Seth’s account of how agriculture began. Of course, it’s pure speculation—but it makes sense to me. See if you agree?
The moon is extremely large in relation to the size of the earth when compared to other planets’ moons in our solar system. One astronomer equated the earth/moon relationship with a double-planet system. In effect, our moon is our planet’s rudder. It steadies its planet in a way the other moons in the solar system don’t stabilize theirs.
Without the moon, the axis of the earth would swing erratically. Sometimes it would tilt toward the sun. When Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune were on the same side of the sun as the Earth is, the North Pole would tilt toward one of them instead wreaking havoc with our seasons. Scientists believe the planet would swing radically from ice age to excessive heat. Sometimes the poles would be frigid, sometimes the equator would. Sometimes the North Pole would be tropical. If life evolved on the planet at all, it would remain primitive because complex life forms would not reproduce quickly enough to adapt to the swings in climate.
And, of course, the moon wasn’t always here.
Four and one half billion years ago or so, during the molten phase of the Earth, a large body—probably another planet in the making—crashed into our planet at 25,000 miles per hour, throwing more than 70% of the forming Earth into the sky at such a velocity that its gravity couldn’t drag all the scattered debris back. For a short time, the earth had rings similar to Saturn’s which, very quickly [within one year], coalesced into our moon.
The Impactor was an iron-cored planet about the size of Mars.
At the time of the collision, Earth’s core was much smaller than it is now. The Impactor’s core, being heavier than the other debris, fell back to the molten earth and sank to the core increasing the iron content of our planet by one half. This made the earth denser, our gravity more powerful and slowed the cooling of the planet by a factor of 1½ causing fissures and heat vents. This event probably caused the later split of Gaia and began the dance of plate tectonics on the surface.
Most critically, the collision knocked the earth onto its 23 degree tilt. When, a year later, the moon formed it was about 14,000 miles from earth—much closer to the planet than the 234,000 mile distance we see today.
Though there was no water, let alone the primal ocean, the moon, being so large and so close, churned up the molten rock of the primeval planet. It mixed the minerals thoroughly. And it acted as an anchor—slowing the orbit of the earth.
Scientists speculate about what the earth would be today if none of what I’ve outlined above had happened.
What would our planet be like if there had never been a moon? Well, to begin with, it wouldn’t be our planet. We wouldn’t be here. No mammals would. In fact, probably no amphibians or reptiles would either.
Today’s Earth would have a 12 hour day—6 hours of daylight and 6 hours of night.
Icy comets and asteroids would still have pummeled the planet and water would have condensed out of the earth.
With the smaller, cooler original iron core, there would probably be no plate tectonics—so no mountains and no large ocean basins would exist. Almost the entire planet would be covered in water. Governed only by the sun, the tides of the shallow seas would be just 1/3 the size of our current tides. The tidal basins would be extremely narrow. Since much of the evolution of life occurred in those basins, life might not have moved onto dry land at all. Even if some small life forms did make it onto land, there wouldn’t be much land for them to occupy. The continent of Gaia would be considerably smaller than our Gaia was and it would have remained stable. The Earth would have one small continent lying in a vast shallow sea.
The fast rotation would cause great winds and large storms that would last longer than our current ones do.
The faster rotation of the molten core would generate a much stronger magnetic field which would deflect the sun’s rays around the planet.
Of course, the sun has a great deal to do with the evolution of life on earth. Assuming life had arisen at all, it would likely have come about more slowly with fewer mutations resulting from the little radiation of the sun that would penetrate the field. Today’s life, if any, would, almost certainly, be primitive and ocean-bound.
The nights would be black except for the distant stars. The plankton and microscopic sea life which have evolved to follow the moon’s orbit wouldn’t have developed and the larger life-forms that currently feed on those organisms wouldn’t have evolved as they have done.
The climate on what little land there was would swing fiercely as the planet’s axis fluctuated violently. Ice ages would come and go quickly alternating with hot climates and droughts. Some scientists believe that the Earth might mirror Mars. After all, Mars has no large moon, its axis swings violently, there is evidence that, at one time, it had a great deal more water than it does today and microscopic organisms almost certainly existed there at one time.
The only differences between the two planets would have been the fact that the earth might have stronger gravity and a warmer average climate. Earth might have maintained it's water where Mars did not. Bacteria, plants and primitive marine animals might have had a chance on Earth—not much else would have.
Of course, all this is moot. We do have a moon, after all. But how did it come about?
Here is where my speculation begins:
Suppose some souls that are ready to inhabit complex bodies are hunting for a planet to occupy. They find an interesting planet but it’s not likely to settle down to such a state that it can support complex organisms. Conditions just aren’t right. While it is the proper distance from its sun, its axis is swinging wildly, its rotation is too fast causing violent storms to sweep across it. And the sun’s radiation can’t reach the surface in strong enough doses that would encourage mutations and evolution.
So, the souls, perhaps including the oversouls that compile all the cats, all the horses, all the fish, all the reptiles, all the apes, all the marsupials, all the bovines, all the dogs, all the amphibians, as well as the human and whale souls get together and conspire to shove a chunk of rock out of its own orbit to try to create a stabilizing influence on the chosen planet.
After all, if the humans’ souls could cross pollinate four kinds of wheat, couldn’t all the souls that had the Earth in their sights have made the planet habitable in the first place?
And we gave ourselves these gifts:
It seems to track logically with the previous post on Seth’s account of how agriculture began. Of course, it’s pure speculation—but it makes sense to me. See if you agree?
The moon is extremely large in relation to the size of the earth when compared to other planets’ moons in our solar system. One astronomer equated the earth/moon relationship with a double-planet system. In effect, our moon is our planet’s rudder. It steadies its planet in a way the other moons in the solar system don’t stabilize theirs.
Without the moon, the axis of the earth would swing erratically. Sometimes it would tilt toward the sun. When Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune were on the same side of the sun as the Earth is, the North Pole would tilt toward one of them instead wreaking havoc with our seasons. Scientists believe the planet would swing radically from ice age to excessive heat. Sometimes the poles would be frigid, sometimes the equator would. Sometimes the North Pole would be tropical. If life evolved on the planet at all, it would remain primitive because complex life forms would not reproduce quickly enough to adapt to the swings in climate.
And, of course, the moon wasn’t always here.
Four and one half billion years ago or so, during the molten phase of the Earth, a large body—probably another planet in the making—crashed into our planet at 25,000 miles per hour, throwing more than 70% of the forming Earth into the sky at such a velocity that its gravity couldn’t drag all the scattered debris back. For a short time, the earth had rings similar to Saturn’s which, very quickly [within one year], coalesced into our moon.
The Impactor was an iron-cored planet about the size of Mars.
At the time of the collision, Earth’s core was much smaller than it is now. The Impactor’s core, being heavier than the other debris, fell back to the molten earth and sank to the core increasing the iron content of our planet by one half. This made the earth denser, our gravity more powerful and slowed the cooling of the planet by a factor of 1½ causing fissures and heat vents. This event probably caused the later split of Gaia and began the dance of plate tectonics on the surface.
Most critically, the collision knocked the earth onto its 23 degree tilt. When, a year later, the moon formed it was about 14,000 miles from earth—much closer to the planet than the 234,000 mile distance we see today.
Though there was no water, let alone the primal ocean, the moon, being so large and so close, churned up the molten rock of the primeval planet. It mixed the minerals thoroughly. And it acted as an anchor—slowing the orbit of the earth.
Scientists speculate about what the earth would be today if none of what I’ve outlined above had happened.
What would our planet be like if there had never been a moon? Well, to begin with, it wouldn’t be our planet. We wouldn’t be here. No mammals would. In fact, probably no amphibians or reptiles would either.
Today’s Earth would have a 12 hour day—6 hours of daylight and 6 hours of night.
Icy comets and asteroids would still have pummeled the planet and water would have condensed out of the earth.
With the smaller, cooler original iron core, there would probably be no plate tectonics—so no mountains and no large ocean basins would exist. Almost the entire planet would be covered in water. Governed only by the sun, the tides of the shallow seas would be just 1/3 the size of our current tides. The tidal basins would be extremely narrow. Since much of the evolution of life occurred in those basins, life might not have moved onto dry land at all. Even if some small life forms did make it onto land, there wouldn’t be much land for them to occupy. The continent of Gaia would be considerably smaller than our Gaia was and it would have remained stable. The Earth would have one small continent lying in a vast shallow sea.
The fast rotation would cause great winds and large storms that would last longer than our current ones do.
The faster rotation of the molten core would generate a much stronger magnetic field which would deflect the sun’s rays around the planet.
Of course, the sun has a great deal to do with the evolution of life on earth. Assuming life had arisen at all, it would likely have come about more slowly with fewer mutations resulting from the little radiation of the sun that would penetrate the field. Today’s life, if any, would, almost certainly, be primitive and ocean-bound.
The nights would be black except for the distant stars. The plankton and microscopic sea life which have evolved to follow the moon’s orbit wouldn’t have developed and the larger life-forms that currently feed on those organisms wouldn’t have evolved as they have done.
The climate on what little land there was would swing fiercely as the planet’s axis fluctuated violently. Ice ages would come and go quickly alternating with hot climates and droughts. Some scientists believe that the Earth might mirror Mars. After all, Mars has no large moon, its axis swings violently, there is evidence that, at one time, it had a great deal more water than it does today and microscopic organisms almost certainly existed there at one time.
The only differences between the two planets would have been the fact that the earth might have stronger gravity and a warmer average climate. Earth might have maintained it's water where Mars did not. Bacteria, plants and primitive marine animals might have had a chance on Earth—not much else would have.
Of course, all this is moot. We do have a moon, after all. But how did it come about?
Here is where my speculation begins:
Suppose some souls that are ready to inhabit complex bodies are hunting for a planet to occupy. They find an interesting planet but it’s not likely to settle down to such a state that it can support complex organisms. Conditions just aren’t right. While it is the proper distance from its sun, its axis is swinging wildly, its rotation is too fast causing violent storms to sweep across it. And the sun’s radiation can’t reach the surface in strong enough doses that would encourage mutations and evolution.
So, the souls, perhaps including the oversouls that compile all the cats, all the horses, all the fish, all the reptiles, all the apes, all the marsupials, all the bovines, all the dogs, all the amphibians, as well as the human and whale souls get together and conspire to shove a chunk of rock out of its own orbit to try to create a stabilizing influence on the chosen planet.
After all, if the humans’ souls could cross pollinate four kinds of wheat, couldn’t all the souls that had the Earth in their sights have made the planet habitable in the first place?
And we gave ourselves these gifts:
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