Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Our Journey


D.K. Raed said...

hey thanks for the linky love. I just watched it again this AM for more inspiration. I know I've seen you around the blogs. You are writing some pretty amazing posts here. Re: the age of the soul, sometimes I think I must be the most juvenile person around (making dumb mistakes like being too quick to judge). Other times I think ho-hum, I've done all that before (even though it is something I've never done).

two crows said...

hi, d k raed and welcome to AtI--
I know what you mean. when I was told, during a reading, that I'm old, I thought, 'but I don't FEEL old!'
but, as I read more about it I began to think 'oh, THAT explains why I'm so lazy!'

and why I'll be sitting at home and suddenly the spontaneous thought comes,
'I just want to go home.' **sigh**
as to 'being too quick to judge' -- it sounds like your Goal [I'll be getting to those in later posts on the 'overleaves'] is Acceptance [a common choice of Old Souls.] that's my Goal this lifetime, too.

susan said...

I've been to visit previously from ME's blog and just wanted to let you know you have another visitor. It's a fascinating thought process you're involved in here.

I have no clue where I'd fit so far as type or soul age is concerned but you got me to consider the question.. probably fresh out of the klein bottle.

two crows said...

hi Susan and welcome to AtI--
I hadn't planned on JUST outlining the Michael teachings in this blog but making it a broader platform.
as time goes on, I still plan to do that-- it's just taking longer than I tho't it would.
meanwhile, reading Michael is kind of like reading a medical textbook: you see yourself in every diagnosis. :)

I did that till I had a reading -- then, as soon as I heard, '5th level Old Scholar' EVERYTHING fell into place!

susan said...

Hmm.. I've worked in medicine (support not professional) long enough to know that when I start to exhibit the symptoms of whatever specialty I'm representing it's time for a new job.

Thoughtful people need a framework for deeper understanding and the Michael ones do have value. It took me 5 years to read 'I Am That' and meditate on the lessons then went on to Maharshi, remembered mystical and psychedelic experiences, read Jung, spent weekends over the course of another 5 years with Sufi groups in NY and Philadelphia. Saw the light, had a seizure, diagnosed as brain avm with aneurysm. Miracle of modern surgical procedures followed by more recent and intense interest in Tibetan Buddhism - enough to understand the grace of a human birth. Of course, there's more but a life doesn't fit a blog comment.

Peace to you.

two crows said...

hey, Susan--
when I was studying psych, I didn't need to EXHIBIT the symptoms. simply _reading_ em was enough -- and I was off to the races! :)

simply reading about your life tires me out. :)
artisans are SO busy-- it's no wonder they cycle off quickly. we scholars tend to plod.
I'm also part Sage -- which helps in the fun dep't but not so much with speed--

I just keep reminding myself the destination is always the same and we'll all get there -------- eventually. :)

jmsjoin said...

Two crows
I am here but I just clicked on Sagan's link and just got a bunch of script oh well!

two crows said...

hi, Jim--
apparently, you don't use Internet Explorer, right?
Assuming you use a PC and not Mac, copy & paste the url into IE and it will play for you.
if you have a Mac, I dunno what to tell you---

jmsjoin said...

two crows
I have to laugh! I might use internet explorer but I don't even know what it is? Right now I am caught up in Bush's long instigated drive to war with Russia as it is coming to a head in the perfect time to do what I said is the goal and that is declare martial law and keep the Nazi Bush in power!

Alien Citizen said...

Hi Two Crows, just dropping by to check out your latest blog and say hi. I've returned to the web and, among other things, posted some breaking information today on the Harry Potter film debacle. Also, I responded to your chat message on my blog as well. Glad to hear you are doing well! :-)

two crows said...

hi Jim--
I KNOW you must have IE--
hunt around for a turquoise lower-case e.
click on it.
it's the internet browser imbedded in all Windows programs.

copy & paste the link on this post and paste it in the http: slot provided.

believe me, the quote IS worth the trouble to get to it.

I wish I knew another way to get to it but I just don't know what that would be. . . .

two crows said...

hi AC-- and it's good to see you here!

I'll stop by your blog soon and catch up with you.
stay well!

jmsjoin said...

Thanks two crows
I will look around eventually. I may already use it but I don't know what it is? Take care,

two crows said...

hi, Jim--
I found the quote on youtube!
so now you should be able to access it right here--
its well worth the effort, believe me. :)

jmsjoin said...

two crows
You make me laugh! Are you playing with me? Right where? on your site?

two crows said...

uh, yeah, Jim--
see the video I reposted on this post?
THAT'S the Sagan quote!

jmsjoin said...

Okay! I see what they are saying but I firmly believe we are not alone! They say every human being is from this speck. Well That is a speck in our universe. Our universe is a speck amongst many universes. It assumes to be human you have to be from earth. Who is to say there is not human life elsewhere? I happen to think there is! I won't get off on a tangent but I think you know how I feel!

susan said...

I also remembered a talk I had with a doctor friend a few years ago when he was stressing the importance of financial stability. Easy for him to say. At the time I couldn't help but point out the fact that although we tell ourselves day and night follow one another in regular patterns as the seasons change that what is really happening is this: The earth is spinning around fast as hell and also wobbling back and forth while our entire galaxy is heading for an eventual tug of war with another that will cross our path in a couple of billion years. So where's the stability? The only place I can think of is in our hearts.

As the average patriot suggests, there are likely to be many universes.. at least that's one of the Buddhist perspectives but this one is the only one that the I as I am now knows.

two crows said...

hi, Jim -- glad you finally got to see the vid! :)
Sagan isn't saying we're the only life in the universe.
aamof-- he was a member of SETI -- so he believed we aren't alone.

he's saying, imo, that we can't expect another species from another solar system to come to rescue us from our own folly.
so, it behooves us to learn to care for each other and the planet because, for now at least, it's the one we've got.
as to there being other humans -- for me, I guess that depends on how you define 'human'.
other life-- including other sentient beings? absolutely.

I don't, tho, think homo sapiens was brought here from another planet. the evidence that we evolved here is just too strong for me to swallow that.
what speaks to me from this vid, tho, is Sagan's calling us to practice agape -- to learn to simply love one another.

and the reason I included it in AtI is my belief that that is our ultimate goal.

two crows said...

agreed, Susan --
I, too, feel certain there are infinite universes.

but--I can only be aware of one at a time -- at least while I'm mired in this body -- tho I think I may catch glimpses while my body sleeps -- but that's for another post.
but, the message of agape is the reason I placed the vid on AtI.

to my way of thinking, that's the stability we're looking for and the goal we're all working toward -- difficult as it is to see when we look around at the human race.

susan said...

From a poem by Milarepa called 'On This Earth':

"Before Enlightenment,
All things in the outer world
Are deceptive and confusing;
Clinging to outer forms,
One is ever thus entangled.
After Enlightenment, one sees all things and objects
As but magic shadow-plays,
And all objective things
Become his helpful friends.
In the uncreated Dharmakaya all are pure;
Nothing has ever manifested
In the Realm of Ultimate Truth."

'The Life of Milarepa' written 800+ years ago by an anonymous author and translated beautifully by Lobsang P. Lhalungpa was quite an extraordinary book for me in the past few months. You might enjoy it too. I recommend meditation.

susan said...

ps - I'm not saying I've left the late night gut fear thing behind but I can get it under control by focusing elsewhere.

two crows said...

beautiful poem, Susan--

I agree with the point you made about focusing. I do work to manifest the poem [?] prayer [?] whatever -- attributed to Francis of Assisi [a transcendental soul] by focusing on the things I _can_ change --
which is why I've been spending less time over at PP&D [another of my blogs] and more time here --
like today: buying groceries, bringing furniture indoors and hanging shutters, etc.
it's my 1st hurricane so I'm not sure what to expect-- **nnnnnnhhhhhh**

if you [or anyone else] have a little white light to spare, I'd sure appreciate some of it. . . . :)

susan said...

Oh dear, you're in Florida, aren't you? We experienced a couple while living in RI, the worst one in our little house overlooking a small Atlantic marina when they wouldn't let our pets go to the hurricane shelter with us so we stayed with them.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers this afternoon and evening.

two crows said...

thanx, Susan--
and, ooooooo -- you experienced a nor-easter hurricane???
I've heard those are the WORST!
congratulations on surviving it--

I live in a mobile home -- though it's more substantial than most, by far. it actually feels like a house. and it's new [2006].
it's actually sturdier than all the 19th century homes I've lived in over the years.
AND, I just installed hurricane shutters -- so I feel impregnable in a medieval- castlish kind of way. :)

so, I'm debating staying put.

susan said...

NorEasters are actually more like winter hurricanes and yes, we did.. the worst by far was the first - famous Blizzard of '78.

Glad to see you're still there and it sounds like you'll be fine. Take care. I'll visit again.